Workout Junkies

About Us

While most will consider being a “Junkie” to be bad. We have taken what must see as a negative turn it into a movement. “Workout Junkies” is a grassroots movement and tribe of people enjoy taking care of themselves not only for them, but for the ones in their lives. Our mission is for everyone to #beobsessed for fitness, to be #workoutjunkies. Workout Junkies Fit Club is a 24 hour athletic fitness center.

First, we cater to a community of people who have made the decision to be obsessed with fitness, nutrition, and sports.  Second, as a privately owned gym we are known for our energized athletic training and personal training. Our members, clients, and athletes find our enthusiastic approach to fitness comforting. Third, our training facility  is a local athletic fitness center that offers 24 hour gym access.



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7740 N. W. 79th Pl. Suite 101
Oklahoma City, OK 73132


Investing in your health and fitness is something to take serious. Your physical fitness is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Taking the first step in that journey can be a tough one. But with the personal trainers and coaches at Workout Junkies you will have someone beside you to help you along the way. With proper motivation and accountability there is nothing you can’t achieve.